Assess the richness of endemic species (endemicity is based on context, and may be regional or local).
Equity | Local | Hinterland | Global |
  |   |   |   |
Complete the advanced or basic indicator as follows:
Measure richness by counting
the total number of endemic
species present and their
conservation status.
Calculate your score based on
species counts (S) with a
multiplier according to
conservation status:
0*SEX + .2*SEW + .4*SCR + .6*SEN
+ .8*SVU + .9*SNT + SLC
Status per the IUCN Red List
(EX = extinct, EW = extinct in the
wild, CR = critically endangered,
EN = endangered, VU =
vulnerable, NT = near
threatened, LC = least concern)
or equivalent local/national lists.
1. Measure abundance by estimating the total
local population of at least 3 species endemic to
your area (local or regional).
2. Calculate the growth rate for each species,
then average this growth rate across all
measured endemic species.